What are Sanitary Wares?

The term ‘sanitaryware’ or ‘sanitary wares’ is a slightly ambiguous one that in very general terms refers to sanitary appliances found in installations, such as toilets and bathrooms.
In its narrowest sense, it can be taken to refer to WC bowls, cisterns, bidets, urinals, and washbasins (and sometimes sewerage pipes), that have traditionally been manufactured from porcelain (a ceramic material made from clay that might be described as ‘vitreous china’ when coated with enamel).
This might be referred to as ceramic, porcelain or china sanitary ware, and is often white.
However, sanitary wares are now made from a wide range of materials, including metals, acrylics, glass, and so on, and ‘sanitaryware’ is sometimes now interpreted to include a wider range of appliances that might be found in sanitary installations such as baths, showers, bins, incinerators, macerators, and so on.
At Wutarick Store, we have a wide collection of Sanitary Ware available for sale. You can check them out here.
7 Reasons Why You Should Use Tiles
In this post, we are going take you through the reasons why we think you should make use of tiles in your next project either building a new home or renovating your current home.
One of the things you have to consider when renovating or building your home is the type of material to be used in areas like the bathroom, kitchen, or other living space. But which material is best for your project? Should you just paint, use a wallpaper carpet, laminate, leave it bare or use tile?
Naturally, you are going to want something that, not only looks good but will be able to withstand use. That is where Tiles comes in, because only Tiles can deliver on both.
1. Tiles Are Easy To Clean
Tiles are very easy to clean. We earlier mentioned some reasons why you should clean your tiles regularly. Unlike carpet or rug which easily collects dirt and needs to be cleaned thoroughly regularly, tiles do not require as much attention. Tiles are much easier and less time-consuming to care for than other materials.
By simply cleaning tiles with a mop twice in a week, they will look pristine. For areas with low movement or usage, weekly mopping may not even be required while heavy movement areas would require more.
2. Tiles will Look Good for Year
Tiles are the most durable flooring product available on the market. Compared to carpet or rug which can easily stain and fade with time, Tiles can still look very good for years as long as they are properly installed, maintained and cared for, they will continue to look as good as the first day they were installed. Other flooring products like wood or vinyl cannot last for years as they harbour germs, scuffs or even tear which would result in the whole floor needing to be replaced.
3. Tiles are Versatile
At Wutarick Store, we have hundreds of unique tiles which comes in many different shapes, sizes, patterns and colours, so there is always a Tile to reflect your personality and taste. From porcelain tiles to Mosaics, there is an almost limitless choice for every taste and budget out there from modern to urban designs. With other flooring types like rug and carpet, you may be stuck with a very smaller pool of options to choose from compared to Tiles.
4. High-End Look
If you aim to create a high-end look in your home or office space without breaking the bank, tiles offer you a far better option compared to others. Tiles hold their value far better and add a more elegant, sophisticated and eye pleasing look to your space.
Shopping on Wutarick allows our committed team to bring you the highest quality tiles at absolutely competitive prices. Regardless of whatever tiles you end up choosing, we will ensure that your floor looks the best.
5. Tiles are Hypoallergenic
Regardless of your allergy, Tiles are hypoallergenic. The hard, flat surface of both ceramic and porcelain tiles make them the perfect choice for those that suffer from allergies. Unlike Carpet or rugs that are haven for allergens, dust mites, pollen, and pet hair which cannot cling to tile surfaces making them ideal. With tiles, you do not have to worry about such allergies.
6. Tiles are Fire Resistant
Conventionally, tiles like ceramic or porcelains are well known for their ability to naturally withstand high temperature including fires. Since tiles don’t burn or scorch, this makes them perfect for use in the kitchen, unlike carpet or rugs which can easily catch fire.
7. Tiles are Budget-Friendly
With Tiles, there is something for every budget. Tiles are relatively reasonable and we have types of tiles that are suitable for every budget. We understand that cost is something you always have to consider when renovating or designing your project. You can check out our tiles section or just visit any of our showrooms and we would help you find suitable tiles for your project.
We hope with this few reasons, you understand why we think tiles are the superior material for renovating or redecorating your home or office. If you still have questions, feel free to get in touch with us or visit any of our showrooms and talk to our staff who will be happy to help.