With these kitchen sink cleaning tips, you don’t need caustics to get the job done. Discover the best way to keep your kitchen sinks sparkling and clean – naturally.
How many times do you use your kitchen sink in a single day? From washing your hands to washing dishes, cleaning vegetables and draining rice, the sink is one of the most frequently used areas of your kitchen.
Sadly, although we spend such a lot of time cleaning other things in them, these sinks don’t clean themselves – and they can be a magnet for bacteria.
An image of a Kitchen Sink with Bacteria
Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to keep your sink sparkling and clean.
If you are starting to notice some putrid odour within your kitchen, you may want to check out the sink first.
An image of a smelling Kitchen
Here are 5 of the best ways to keep the cleanliness of your kitchen sink.
1. Scrub it regularly
An image of a Kitchen Sink being scrubbed
Always remember to scrub the sink right after doing the dishes. Don’t be a part of the people who forget to do this. Scrubbing the sink after use is one of the basic ways to keep the kitchen sink sparkling. Use a damp cloth with a washing up liquid solution or an anti-bacterial spray and it would make a difference. Always clean your sink after preparing raw foods and rinse away liquids like tea which might stain lighter coloured sinks.
2. Never let food scraps stay for too long
An image of a Sink with Food Scraps
Food scraps often clog up the drain and can make your dish washing a lot harder than it should be. They can also ruin the kitchen pipes in the process. While food scraps are not the sole culprit of kitchen sink dirtiness, they often play a part in it. You should always use a sink strainer to strain or filter out solid debris in the sink.
3. Don’t overlook the Taps/Faucets
An image of a Kitchen Tap Being Cleaned
Always give your kitchen taps a regular wipe with detergent solution to remove grime from them and use a dry cloth to buff dry them and prevent water spots.
4. Give the Sink enough time to dry
An image of a Dry Kitchen Sink
Keeping your sink dry for extensive periods of time reduces the chances for bacteria to live and breed. Bacteria tends to thrive more in moist environments so do not make the common mistake of not giving your sink enough time to dry. You can speed up the process by opening a nearby window or setting up a sink-side fan.
5. Remove wet clothes and sponges from the sink
An image of a Wet Kitchen Sponge
Don’t leave wet cloths and sponges sitting in the sink overnight because food and drink residues can encourage bacteria to breed. When bacteria breeds in your sink, you would stop having that sparkling and clean kitchen sink.
These five ways may sound excessive, but it is definitely the best way to leave your kitchen sink sparkling and clean!
Kitchen sinks, while hardly noticeable can bring a lot of lasting impression not only to your guests but also to the health of anyone living in the household at the same time. Always keep a tab of these 5 useful ways to keep that kitchen sink of yours sparkling clean, fresh smelling and bacteria free.
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